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How to Become Extraordinarily Productive in 20 Seconds | Issue 309
Summary: You are just 20 seconds away from becoming dramatically more productive, finishing your dissertation, and setting yourself up for a lifetime of success.
Estimated read time: 6 minutes (that will keep you from wasting countless hours)

By Gayle Scroggs, Ph.D., P.C.C.
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. ~ H. D. Thoreau
What if only 20 seconds separates you from your doctorate?
Psychologist Shawn Achor asserts that learning to leverage that little interlude could be the key to reaching your goals instead of falling further behind.
If you feel stressed from working hard but showing little progress on your dissertation, read on for a surprisingly simple approach that can kickstart the changes you need to make.
The road to graduation is paved with good intentions—but alas, human nature usually leads us down the path of least resistance. This is because the human brain is wired to be lazy, asserts psychologist Achor in The Happiness Advantage. His business clients frequently echoed the lament of many doctoral students: Despite putting in longer and longer hours, it's impossible to finish the planned tasks.
To unravel this apparent paradox, Achor asked one client to detail his workday, hour by hour: Arriving at his desk, Ted first checks the news. Without thinking, he also opens investment websites to check his stocks. After that, he wades through his email inbox, clicks on some links and attachments, fires back some responses, and finally gets to work. After about 30 minutes of real work, he takes a coffee break. Returning to his computer, his attention is drawn to all the new notifications, so he takes a look. Ted then gets about 10 minutes of writing in the next interruption. And so on.
The final tally showed five email checks per hour, three checks of stock portfolio, hourly news check, and miscellaneous interruptions. By day's end, Ted had finished less than two hours of "real work." How does that compare to your morning? Granted, as a graduate student, you may be checking social media rather than investments, but with the same effect: You feel exhausted by the end of the day with little to show for it. You fret under a perpetual dark cloud of missed deadlines and stress.
Once upon a time, the options for killing time were limited to sharpening pencils or getting a drink at the water cooler. Nowadays, with electronic temptations bombarding us all day long, focusing on work becomes more challenging than ever. All those distractions and interruptions do double damage, Achor observes. First, you lose the time elapsed during the detour, and then you need extra time to recover the focus and flow required to do your best work. How much energy can you afford to waste in this way?
Would you like to know the secret to regaining control of your time? Achor offers an evidence-backed, simple way to flip the habit switch and make productivity your default setting. And it only takes 20 seconds.
Once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them. ~ Charles Duhigg
The Fastest Cure for Distractions
How can you shift from habitual procrastination or underperforming to productivity? The key is simple: Lower the costs of the desired behavior while you simultaneously raise the costs of the undesired one.
For example, successful dieters learn to purchase healthy snacks instead of junk food during grocery runs. They know that once they get home, indulging a craving requires the burden of another trip and do the easier thing of fixing a nutritious snack.
To leverage this technique, consider how to devise obstacles that impede mindless distractions while you simultaneously clear the path to productivity. Or as Ted told Achor, you need to make checking your email "a pain in the ass," but make getting started on your real goal as easy as rolling off a log.
In short, make it easier to be productive than to procrastinate.
How much of an obstacle do you need? How much extra bother would persuade you to pass up a temptation?
Achor found a 20-second delay was sufficient to get him to forget watching TV and instead pick up his guitar daily—a long-delayed intention. He created the delay by hiding the TV remote batteries in another room while at the same time leaving the guitar in a stand in the living room. Suddenly the guitar became easier and more alluring, while the thwarted TV impulse waned.
In a mere three weeks, he had cultivated a solid new guitar habit.
I can testify that this works because I've used it myself in various areas. Following Achor's example, I first stopped the mindless habit of switching on the TV by placing a lush green houseplant to hide the TV screen while hiding the remote behind it. Then I strategically placed a good book on the coffee table, and voila! I found it easier to pick up the book than turn on the TV. In 10 days, I had reestablished my evening reading habit with a bonus of a good night's sleep, which set me up for success the next day.
I continued to challenge myself to find more opportunities to make it a breeze to get in a productive mode. I turned off all pings and most notifications and started putting my phone in silent mode when working. Also, I redesigned my office space to make it easy to sit down and get writing, keeping the space neat so I don't have to clear clutter to get going. I also keep a list of "next actions," so I avoid going in circles trying to decide what to do next. My Alexa app now reminds me when it's time to wind down and starts playing the Spotify sleep playlist, so I get to bed on time more often. I've also streamlined meal prep.
Over time, I realized how much better I felt at the end of the day when my "plan to reality" score would be close to 100. The 20-second delays were just what I needed to switch from mindless behavior to asking myself what really matters. Or as addictions researcher Judson Brewer might say, it was the nudge that reminded me to bypass the short-term reward in favor of "the Bigger, Better Offer."Of all habit change approaches I've tried and witnessed, this has been the easiest and most successful.
Put the 20-Second Rule to Work for You
The steps for implementing the 20-second rule are very straightforward.
Step 1: Notice what distractions (or temptations) get in the way

While dissertating, do you really need to know the instant each email arrives? Or that Elmo just "liked" your Instagram photo or Facebook comment? Do you keep your phone on your desk while you try to focus? What else pulls your attention away from the important task?
Step 2: Now place an obstacle between you and the distractor that takes at least 20 seconds to overcome.
If your devices tempt you, try one or more of these:
1. Silence your phone and put it in a distant room.
2. Delete email/unnecessary icons from task bars, start menus on your computer.
3. Disable notifications during work time or permanently.
4. Remove distracting apps from home screens, or better yet, uninstall them.
5. Activate an app that blocks the use of internet/apps.
For online shopping addicts, you can discourage impulse shopping by deleting your credit card information so that you have to enter it manually each time. Use your creativity to create the minimum block needed to give you time to choose to act in your own best interest.
Next, make it easy to get started on the right task. How can you shave 20 seconds or more off the time it takes to get going?
Step 3: Assess and remove existing barriers to getting started on your dissertation. Note what holds you back from a quick start. Do you have to figure out where you are going to work each day? Does clutter trigger distracting thoughts of teaching chores, unpaid bills, unwashed dishes, etc.? Do you know what your next step is, or do you dawdle as you ponder whether to read another article, transcribe an interview, or write a new section of your lit review? Do you lack necessary resources?
Step 4: Identify and incorporate elements that facilitate a quick start. Make getting started a breeze, even a pleasure, by experimenting with these possibilities:
1. Have all your tools in one convenient place where you enjoy working.
2. Provide yourself with a good chair and lighting.
3. Keep the current working document or resources on your desktop.
4. Have on hand a list of next action steps.
In short, take time to set yourself up for success. I encourage my clients to try out different settings to find the one that offers them the fewest distractions and the most positive energy. Choices have included academic and public libraries of course, but also Wi-Fi-free cafés, hotel lobby nooks, living rooms (with a tablecloth over the television), a friend's cabin, and even a convent. Find what works for you and celebrate your small wins.
Once you design your new routine, stick with it until productivity becomes your new default setting. Savor each small success with a pat on the back or a small reward. Be sure to watch for signs that daily writing is becoming more automatic, while former temptations are losing their pull. Who knows—you might now be inspired to apply this approach to other areas of your life where you'd like less friction and more flow.
The easier it is to kick-start a healthy habit, the more likely it is to get established. ~ Shawn Achor
Building Habits Beats Relying on Willpower
Science shows why this approach works. In the long run, success depends much more on good habits than on willpower. Whereas willpower is a limited resource, habits become self-sustaining, explains renowned researcher Roy Baumeister. Relying on good habits rather than willpower frees more cognitive energy up for doing your best work, namely, finishing your dissertation.
Think of it this way: Developing a good habit is like putting money in your IRA while you are young; over the years, the rewards will continue to compound, bringing greater riches. Imagine how much you will accomplish when you gain control of your time and your mind.
Now isn't that worth your investment of just 20 seconds this week?
Ready to ramp up your productivity without compromising your well-being? Consider a positive psychology dissertation coach. Request a free consultation here.
Recommended Resources
Brewer, Judson. A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit (TED talk)
Clear, James. Atomic Habits
Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit
Achor, Shawn. The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work
If you are considering whether to get your own coach to help you reach your academic goals, fill out this brief application for a free consultation with a dissertation coach.
An accomplished coach, workshop leader, keynote speaker, and educator, Gayle earned her doctorate in social psychology from the University of New Hampshire. Her deep expertise in positive psychology allows her to help clients build their personal strengths, positive habits, and confidence to overcome procrastination, self-doubts and other blocks in order to reach vital academic and personal goals. In addition to editing the ABD Survival Guide, she contributed two chapters to the positive psychology anthology, Women's Paths to Happiness. Contact her at gayle@essencecoaching.com for coaching, presentations, and workshops on thriving in graduate school and beyond, and find free resources essencecoaching.com.
BEN DEAN, Publisher, ABDSG
Ben holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. He began writing the ABDSG in 1997. Over the years, the ABDSG has published hundreds of articles and provided thousands of hours of pro bono coaching and teleworkshops to ABDs all over the world. Ben is also the founder of MentorCoach (www.MentorCoach.com), a virtual university focused on training accomplished professionals to become part-time or full-time coaches. You may wish to subscribe to the Coaching Toward Happiness eNewsletter! It's on applying the science of Positive Psychology to your work and life (131,000 readers). Ben lives in suburban Maryland with his wife, Janice, their two children, and Dusty, their Norwegian dwarf bunny.
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